Irrespective of the ongoing season of examinations, girls and boys of the city are not missing a chance to enjoy the IPL matches. That, perhaps, has led to the Gary Kirsten Cricket India (GKCI), receiving an overwhelming response to its proposed cricket training sessions, scheduled to start from April 4. More than 250 budding cricketers have already registered for different training camps to be conducted by GKCI at the Divisional Sports Complex at Shastrinagar in Yerawada. Besides Pune and Pimpri-Chinchwad, girls and boys from Mumbai, Aurangabad and Satara have enrolled their names for different training schedules like the Summer Camp, Annual Training Programme, Weekend Training, and Individual Training. Interestingly, the group of trainees who have enrolled at the GKCI includes 10-12 young girls. The training sessions will be conducted under the guidance of renowned South African cricket coach, Ryan Van Niekerk who is the chief coach at GKCI. He will be assisted by talented coaches...