A 47 years old woman injured in a road accident, complained of pain in her back, tingling in both legs and inability to walk after the accident. She is being treated at SaiShree Hospital, Aundh, Pune with Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS) technique of Percutaneous Pedicle Fixation System by experts team from Sai Shree. After the accident, patient underwent X-rays & MRI of the affected region and was diagnosed with a fractured Lumbar vertebra with the fractured bony fragment pressing on the Spinal Cord. This requires immediate attention and removal of the pressure on the Spinal Cord. The patient also had a pre-existing cardiac condition that made her a high risk candidate for Anesthesia and Surgery. Considering this Doctors team from Saishree Hospital decided to operate her using Percutaneous Pedicle Fixation System, this technique is safer as we need not open the fractured vertebra, but instead under Live X-ray control put 2 screws in the vertebra above and 2 screws i...