Over 302 Stalls to display works Focus on Christmas and a Special section called as “Petting Zoo” for children The Raghu Dixit Project and Resonance to perform Bhimthadi Select Fashion show on opening night Pune, Friday, 27th December, 2017: One of Pune’s biggest cultural events, Bhimthadi Jatra - a four-day cultural fair that aims at bridging the gap between rural and urban India through an interface that allows the city of Pune to connect with village communities across Maharashtra — is being organised from December 22nd to 25th at the Agricultural College Ground, Sinchan Nagar, Pune . The Cultural festival will be a great way for many to indulge in not just shopping traditional products, but also a time to catch up with friends and relatives, and get a better understanding of the rural life. The 12th edition of Bhimthadi...